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035 2 Europacollege Brugge1Y7X0025 Jan KempenaersКоледж Європи пропонує стипендії для громадян України. Стипендії надаються для отримання післядипломної освіти протягом 2017/2018 навчального року. Стипендія покриває академічні витрати, проживання, харчування та транспортні витрати. Дедлайн - 18 січня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

The College of Europe offers a large number of scholarships to university graduates coming from European Neighbourhood Policy countries for post-graduate studies at the College of Europe during the academic year 2017-2018.

All applicants to the College of Europe must hold a relevant university degree. Admission to the College of Europe requires either a Bologna Master’s degree, or a pre-Bologna equivalent degree, or a final university degree and at least 240 ECTS credits acquired in the course of one’s university studies. Holders of a Bachelor degree are also eligible provided they demonstrate strong qualification in relation to the academic programme for which they apply.

These scholarships cover academic expenses, accommodation, meals and travel costs.

The countries concerned are: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine.

Selection procedure:

1. Candidates are requested to visit the website of the College www.coleurope.eu and check the academic (http://bit.ly/2f8Q1EU) and language requirements (http://bit.ly/2fN5prH).

2. Candidates have to register and apply online (http://bit.ly/1HXKUyV).

3. Candidates have to submit the online application form including the requested documents (cf. application instructions - http://bit.ly/2fqMmFC).

4. After the deadline (18th of January 2017), all applications will be evaluated by the study departments at the College of Europe and a preselection will be made. Preselected candidates will be invited for an interview with the Professors/assistants of the department(s) they have applied for. The final decisions on admission and scholarships will be taken after all interviews of the candidates from the ENP countries. Candidates will be contacted by e-mail.


  • Коледж Європи
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  • https://www.coleurope.eu/


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